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The change in journalism after Twitter

Different Guardian writers have analyzed current journalism, particularly after the situation with Twitter. Journalists analyze the triumphs and pitfalls of this platform as its service faces an uncertain future. There is a view of this social network as having become “the most effective press watchdog”. Since its appearance in 2006, Twitter has become an integral part of journalism. It was revolutionizing the dissemination of information, broadening access to sources and raising voices that were not being heard. In the same way, toxic discourse, misinformation and online abuse were enabled.

The analysis and reflections of four journalists from the British media allowed them to learn about different experiences, both personal and professional, with the platform. “There’s no easier way to get in front of the influential people who control politics and the media,” Jim Watterson said of Twitter and its role. Followers are often capricious or surprising in their interaction style, particularly journalists. The tweet industry, and even some plots around it, make some topics go viral or become trends.

Journalism in times of social networks

Twitter, thinking of it as a game, has a series of rules such as brevity, provocative language and emotional content. From there it is possible to reflect that we are facing the possibility of winning. There is no easier way to force your information, whether it is an exclusive news item or a political commentary, as well as an opinion on household appliances. Here appears the participation of influential people, who usually have the “control” of politics and the media.

Many take it as a global workshop for the good and the bad. That’s where you get a taste of what a raw news story will provoke as a reaction. It may be something brilliant or something that never existed, but it is a source of news for reactions. Many negative aspects of the platform, which seek to hide, do not have that possibility in this social network.

A transformation of the press

With Twitter exploded a lot of traditional political media management to the operation of social networks. In addition, it has been one of the most effective regulators of the press and one of the most effective we have seen. In many cases, denouncing modern evils, bad journalism and different prejudices that are eluded by the old guardians. Other cases, such as transphobia, have been promoted in this social network. In the same way, it has made it easier for marginalized groups to denounce such prejudices and have a presence to expose their problems.

Daily Express, through its editor, changed the direction of its publication policy after seeing viral images of anti-immigrant covers. Meanwhile, other accounts such as “Stop Funding Hate”, from a modest sum of followers, achieved many changes in the right-wing media. Many young journalists have found, in the social networks, their way up and to be able to make their way. In addition to this, there is the possibility of obtaining commissions on their work and gaining their own audience for their stories.