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More news on Twitter: DM limit for unverified users

Twitter imposes a DM or direct message limit on unverified users, in another attempt to add more subscribers to Twitter Blue. This new feature is in addition to the change made a few days ago to the default direct message settings whereby users could only receive messages from verified users.

On this occasion, the novelty regarding direct messages is that they will have a limit in the case of users who are not subscribed to Twitter Blue. It is not yet known when the measure will be implemented, although some users have reported that they have already received messages about it.


What are Twitter’s new DM limit settings?


The DM limit on Twitter will be for sending messages, not for receiving them, at least for the time being. According to what was reported, this measure has been taken in order to reduce spam in users’ inboxes. The Twitter Support account posted the following message a few days ago: We will soon be implementing some changes in our effort to reduce spam in direct messages. Unverified accounts will have daily limits on the amount of DMs they can send. There was no further explanation of this new feature, nor was there any date on which it will be implemented. In addition to this, there is no information about what is the limit for sending DMs, at least for users to know the amount they will be able to send.

Likewise, it is worth remembering that the change in the configuration of the message tray a few days ago was made from one moment to the next and without much information. However, some users showed on the social network that they had received the message that they had reached the maximum number of DMs sent in one day, although it is not known if it has reached all countries at once.

One thing that is known is the repercussion of the users to this news, even those who already pay for Twitter Blue. Many of them complained about the new measure, arguing that it is a maneuver to add paid subscribers and that verified accounts can Spam despite this measure.


Changes in DM settings: can only receive messages from verified users?


Last week many Twitter users reported a change in their message inbox settings. At a moment’s notice, the settings were changed so that they can only receive messages from Twitter Blue subscribers. This occurred with those Twitter users who had open DMs and no prior information. Previously, each user could configure who could send them a message, whether anyone or only those accounts they follow. From this new configuration, you can choose between three options: receive messages only from verified users and from people you follow, from everyone or from people you follow.

Undoubtedly, this measure was also established to disseminate Twitter Blue. When activated by default for all users, when an account wanted to send a message to someone they were not following, a caption would appear inviting them to subscribe to Twitter Blue.

The incorporation of the DM limit for unverified users has not been well received, so we will have to wait to see if the new measure is maintained or if there is a reversal in this regard.