Techno - SOCIAL

LinkedIn turns 20: nearly one billion users and the arrival of artificial intelligence

LinkedIn, the social network for professionals, has just turned 20 and is preparing for the arrival of artificial intelligence. Created in May 2003, it took three years to see its first profits and today it has become a very complete professional social network that has totally changed the paradigm of looking for work and finding talent.

It was originally created as a networking site by Reid Hoffman and a group of Silicon Valley managers and engineers. In 2016 it was bought by Microsoft but, unlike other platforms, most of its original managers are still attached to the platform. Today it has more than 930 million users and is an essential tool for talent recruitment. Many of the contacts for hiring are made directly from the platform. Its revenues in June 2022 reached US$14 million per year.

Many large companies only use LinkedIn to find new talent, while there are professionals who find interesting job opportunities on a daily basis.

In addition to this, LinkedIn also functions as a space where experiences are shared, articles of interest are published and you can even participate in professional updating courses.

LinkedIn adds artificial intelligence: it will allow the creation of collaborative articles

As is the case with other platforms, LinkedIn incorporates artificial intelligence functions. First, a tool will be offered to assist in the collaborative writing of articles on specific topics and to develop articles that serve as conversation starters. In this way, you will facilitate connections to generate interesting contacts.

In addition to this, premium subscribers to the platform can also access an artificial intelligence tool that uses GPT models to complete sections of the profile such as the About section or to elaborate messages to hiring teams.

The generation of articles will allow users to start a conversation in a simpler way. The tool offers a pre-written article to which information must be added and refined for publication. Each of the articles will be reviewed by experts, who may also add additional information or provide context on the topic.

Renewal of profiles and courses: LinkedIn continues to renew itself

In addition to the incorporation of artificial intelligence tools, LinkedIn will launch training and learning courses on artificial intelligence. You will be able to learn the basic concepts up to the most advanced tools of the technology everyone is talking about.

Multimedia content is another new feature of LinkedIn’s 20th anniversary. In order to encourage users to publish more content of this type, the professional social network incorporates images and videos in the Activity section of profiles. This gives the profiles more dynamism and the possibility of offering more interesting content.

As with publications, articles and newsletters can now also be scheduled. In this way, LinkedIn users can better plan their articles so that they are published at the right times to attract a wider audience.