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Instagram will report on content created by artificial intelligence

Instagram will begin tagging content created by artificial intelligence to inform its users. Given the proliferation of this type of content on social networks, Instagram is working on a tool to detect and warn users that an image has been generated by AI.

The information was released on Twitter by application researcher Alessandro Paluzzi. The publication included a screenshot showing what the new tool would look like. For the time being, there are no further details on the matter, although Paluzzi is considered a leaker of information. He frequently posts similar screenshots, before Meta makes them official. Thus, this information is almost confirmed, although we have to wait for the official announcement to know the date on which this tool will be incorporated to the social network.


What would be the main use of this new Instagram tool?

This new Instagram functionality would be very useful to detect images that accompany fake news or information that may generate some kind of confusion among users. It should be remembered that there were cases in which images were disseminated that were created by artificial intelligence. These were considered real, such as the case of the photos of Pope Francis or the alleged arrest of Trump.

More and more publications and content are generated by AI, hence the importance of having this tool. At the moment the line between real and AI-generated is very blurred, so it is a good functionality.

According to the screenshot posted by Paluzzi, the notification that could appear on posts of this type would have the following caption: The creator or Meta said this content was created or edited with Artificial Intelligence. Here’s what generative artificial intelligence is all about: People use artificial intelligence tools to create text, images and videos from unique descriptions. It goes on to explain that the images created by artificial intelligence are labeled so that users can easily identify them. Finally, a link is attached to learn more about how artificial intelligence works in Meta’s products.


What other artificial intelligence tools does Meta have in store?


It is not yet known exactly whether this Meta functionality will be incorporated soon or is still under development. The irruption of artificial intelligence in different fields makes this type of functionality necessary.

It will not be the only artificial intelligence-related tool in Meta. According to Mark Zuckerberg, options for Whatsapp and Messenger chats, video features or image creation tools for Facebook and Instagram are being explored.

The most striking new feature is an AI chatbot function in the form of personas for Meta’s various platforms. Users will be able to chat with AI people to find better recommendations or perform more efficient searches.

In addition to this, they are also still working on Llama 2 the open source language model, with which they plan to compete directly with ChatGPT.