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Google will report on search results that include personal data

New functionalities are added to Google, among them a very interesting one. This is a feature that aims to improve users’ privacy and consists of sending notifications when personal information appears in a search result.

In addition to this new functionality, the removal of vindictive pornography and the blurring of explicit images will also be incorporated.

Notices about personal information available on Google will also include the ability to request removal of such information from the search engine. It should be noted that the website may not be removed through a request, but at least the personal information can be removed from the search results.

What is Google’s new personal data notification tool?

The name of the new functionality to be offered by Google will be Results about you and for the time being it will be available only for the United States. Surely with the improvements implemented in these days, it will expand to the whole world in a short time.

The tool in question is available by selecting the profile picture and choosing the option Results about you. A control panel will open, summarizing which personal data is available in Google search results. From the control panel, you can also request the search engine to delete your personal information. The most interesting feature of this tool is that it will also notify every time new search pages with personal data appear.

The objective is to keep better track of private information found on the Internet and also to facilitate access to forms to request the deletion of such information.


More search engine features to improve privacy and security


The new features to be offered by Google are aimed at improving the security and privacy of its users. In addition to the Results about you tool, Google will also begin blurring explicit images from searches by default.

The new Safe Search settings will be default for all users. In this way, images with adult content, violence or blood included will appear out of focus in all searches. This is not a new tool, what is new is that it is now a default setting.

Initially it was a tool used for parental control, although later the Safe Search setting was activated for anyone under the age of 18. It allowed the filtering of any type of explicit content to make Internet surfing safer for children.

Finally with this new update, it will be a functionality that will be enabled for any type of search. Users who wish to do so can also deactivate it from their account settings.

To further strengthen children’s online safety, Google also made it easier to access parental controls. When searching for Google parental controls or Google family link, the search engine will provide an information box with everything you need to access and configure the controls.