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Children’s academic performance declines: video games and television most influential

Deciding how much time children or teenagers can spend in front of a screen has become such a major issue in families that it seems to be a decision that needs to be analyzed as much as deciding in which school they will study. However, research published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, comments that the controversy should not focus on the time that should be allocated for such activity, but on the type of screen they use.

After reviewing 58 studies, all conducted between 1958 and 2008, scientists concluded that each device has a different effect on children’s cognitive development.

How does the excessive use of technological devices influence the academic level of children?

In the study conducted by the Jaume I University, the school results of 106,000 children and adolescents between the ages of 4 and 18 were compared. This includes the time that each one invested in each of these technological devices. The result is very revealing, those who watched television excessively obtained much lower scores in language, mathematics and composite tests.

It also states that watching television and playing video games is the main activity that children do while surfing the Internet. According to Mireia Adelantado-Renau, author of the research:

“Children and adolescents spend between 1.8 and 2.8 hours on average per day in front of the TV, and at least 40 minutes playing video games.”

But, the study yielded additional results by age. For example, in the case of television and video games, adolescents fared worse than children. The reason for this is that the former are more likely to obtain educational benefits than the latter. Those who spend much more time in front of these screens may have delays in different areas.

The results make a lot of sense, because analyses have shown that television viewing significantly replaces time that could be spent studying, exercising or sleeping.

But, in addition, it reduces the ability to pay attention and think clearly, all this as bad eating habits and certain behavioral problems increase.

In conclusion

In conclusion, experts say that the worst thing is to spend too much time in front of passive screens. That is, playing video games or watching series that do not require problem solving or physical activity.

However, active time, for example, those educational video games or those that require children to do some physical activity. Even actions such as talking for a long time on WhatsApp with friends do not really show links to any cognitive impairment.

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