Motorolaone Hyper is the latest addition to the Motorolaone line. One of its main attractions is...
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Virtual immortality: would you revive a loved one digitally?
Death has always been surrounded by thousands of unknowns and suppositions; there is a lot of talk...
This Instagram feature lets you know who you interact with the...
With this Instagram feature you will be able to decide if you want to receive notifications of...
Smart clothing? Welcome to the world of wearable technology
Just when we thought we had seen everything or almost everything, we realize that there are...
Autonomous bus already transporting residents of a U.S...
To solve the isolation problem caused by the railroad tracks in Columbus, South Linden USA. An...
Smart and internet-connected contact lenses, this is what the...
An IT company that specializes in “invisible computing”. He revealed that he is working...
Addicted to cell phones? Google designed an...
Recently, Google designed a kind of paper envelope the precise size of a cell phone. This, in a few...
Atari hotels will soon be a reality. What is this all about?
The American video game company Atari is recognized for being a pioneer in this area worldwide. It...
Byte, the new social network that will compete with TikTok, is...
Vine co-founder Dom Hofmann, that platform launched in 2012 but now defunct, and which allowed the...
Washing and ironing clothes will no longer be a tedious chore...
These smart cabinets were initially intended for use in hotels and even airports. However, more and...