Techno - SOCIAL

Do you want to meet people? a social network helps you make it at the airport

A U.S. company has created a unique social network called “”, an Internet site whose objective is to enable meetings to take place in airport lounges. This way, you will be able to meet people who are in the same situation as you and avoid being bored for long hours.

Take advantage of your time and meet lots of people! One of them could be the love of your life.

In this curious site, users can enter their personal information, but the information requested is very detailed. Interests, hair color, eye color, frequency of drinking alcohol, marital status, flight details and, of course, the airport where the user is located.

All of the above, it proposes you six possible answers, for example, “it’s too complicated to count around here”. In addition, you can clarify what you are looking for, “something serious” “just friendship”, among others,

The best of all is that this curious social network is intended for all sexual orientations, heterosexuals, homosexuals, pansexuals, bisexuals, in short, all of them.

With all this information, the social network will be able to connect you with people who have similar interests and compatible flight itineraries.

Since its launch in 2011, the social network has been a great success. And this is why travelers from all over the world have wanted to take advantage of the long and boring hours of waiting at airports to connect with someone who wants to share a coffee and a good chat.

Ideas are everywhere and are born from the smallest details.

This particular idea was born when its creator, Steve Pasternack, noticed that at the Miami airport many people were looking for eye contact with other passengers.

If you go to the website “”, you will find the following:

“Fly to new destinations and meet people who can be a tour guide or give you advice about a particular place.”

In addition, you are going to find something like:

“Make your flight reservation and know that the fun doesn’t start when the plane arrives at your destination, the fun starts when you get to the airport.”

You already know, if you are a frequent but solitary traveler, maybe this is the perfect opportunity to make friends, meet the love of your life and spend those long waiting hours with the best company.

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