In the deepest side of the Internet, where it is difficult for normal people like you and me to...
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New forms of monitoring and big data: the medicine of the future
Technology and medicine always form the best of teams, and the invention and application of new...
The houses of the future will have smart walls
It is not difficult to realize that every day we are moving towards a more hyperconnected world, in...
New advances in home automation reinvent the way we understand...
Always coming home after a long and long day of work no longer has to be a nightmare, if your own...
Become a mom 4.0 with today’s new technology offerings
What would you think if we told you that the technology you teach so much to restrict your children...
Airplane design inspired by “Star Trek”: runs on...
A solid-state aircraft was presented at MIT: its initial flight lasted fifteen seconds, which was...
Lovot is the Japanese robot that asks for people’s...
According to the Japanese company Groove X, “a new relationship between humans and robots...
Speed, AI and machine learning: this is what Xiaomi brings to...
The Asian giant Xiaomi has already announced that they are working to develop MIUI 11: although...
A smartwatch that never charges? This is the new Matrix...
For lovers of the outdoors and technology, the company Matrix Industries has presented in early...
The Kalergi plan theory in social networks
The so-called Kalergi Plan is one of the most eccentric conspiracy theories. This so-called...