Airbus Urban Air Mobility, part of the European Union’s largest aircraft manufacturer...
AutorRedacción de El Tecnoilógico
Fedor, Russia’s first humanoid robot sent into space
Fedor, the humanoid robot whose identification number is Skybot F850, departed last Thursday from...
Are your children the protagonists in your social networks...
Every day we come across countless memes, photos and videos that evoke thousands of sensations and...
These are the new augmented reality glasses launched by Snap...
Snap has launched their new augmented reality glasses, the Spectacles 3, these are then an updated...
With artificial trees, this is Mexico’s plan to fight...
Unfortunately, if there is one thing Mexico is an expert in, it is air pollution, as from time to...
Telegram is renewed, these are its latest features
If you are a loyal user of the Telegram application this news will interest you, because the...
With solar energy and augmented reality: How about these...
Today, there are many technological breakthroughs that may be brewing in the heads of the geniuses...
Fulfilling dreams: these seniors can do it with virtual reality
VR Genie is one of the projects of the NGO Equality Lab, this initiative seeks through virtual...
This is what the world’s first floating city would look...
The world’s first floating city, Oceanix City, responds to a need of the future. According to...
The flying board that crossed the English Channel, this is the...
Some media have nicknamed Franky Zapata, the inventor of the flying board, as “the flying...